Terapi sasar pikeun kanker lambung dipandu ku tés genetik

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Tés genetik pikeun kanker lambung

After nearly ten years of development, tumor genetic testing has become the immediate need of a large number of cancer patients. The test report guidance provided by tumor genetic testing perfectly fits the development concept of precision medicine, and has penetrated into all aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of tumor patients. For patients, they can choose targeted drugs for precise treatment, avoid detours, and avoid unnecessary side effects. bitter.

Status ayeuna terapi sasaran pikeun kanker lambung

In most cases, surgery is still the main treatment for gastric cancer. However, the heterogeneity of gastric cancer is very strong, and its biological behavior is affected by the huge gene regulation in the cell. Therefore, only by classifying the essential characteristics of gastric cancer from the molecular level can early diagnosis and prognosis judgment of the tumor be more reasonable and accurate , Application of molecular targeted drugs for individualized and precise treatment of patients.

Ayeuna, ubar target ieu parantos disatujuan:

Nomer séritujuanubar
1HER2Trastuzumab (Trastuzumab, Herceptin)
3NTRKLarotrectinib (LOXO-101)
4PD-1Pembrolizumab (K drug)
5VEGFR-2Apatinib (Apatinib, Aitan)

In addition, there are many other targeted drugs related to gastric cancer in clinical trials, such as drugs that block HER2: lapatinib (Tykerb ®), pertuzumab (Perjeta ®) and trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla ®). Drugs that block EGFR: Panitumumab (Victibi®) is a drug that targets EGFR that is being tested for gastric cancer.

The Global Oncologist Network reminds everyone that genetic testing is required before targeted therapy . Only by understanding the type of tumor gene mutation can a reasonable treatment plan be developed to benefit patients. In addition, in the selection of genetic testing technology, it is necessary to select the appropriate testing technology according to its corresponding target . Only by choosing products approved by the State Food and Drug Administration can the accuracy and reliability of the test results be guaranteed.

Kumaha penderita kanker lambung milih tés genetik?

The Global Oncologist Network reminds patients that cancer genetic testing and clinical treatment analysis are a systematic project that requires strong laboratory support, high-standard testing quality control and a high-level data analysis team. A good genetic test analysis can avoid the loss of treatment opportunities and save the lives of cancer patients. At present, there are dozens of genetic testing institutions on the market, and patients must carefully select genetic testing companies to ensure the accuracy of the test results.

Ieu mangrupikeun téknologi tés genetik anu disatujuan ku FDA!


FoundationOne®CDx disatujuan ku FDA salaku produk diagnostik pendamping tipe pan-tumor munggaran . As a research tool, it assisted the discovery of countless scientific research results, and accumulated a large amount of data during this period. The current test coverage includes 324 genes and two molecular markers (MSI / TMB) that can predict the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors. It can cover all solid tumors (except sarkoma) and can directly correspond to 17 therapies sasaran disatujuan ku FDA!

For clinical evaluation of cancer genes, commonly used techniques include Sanger sequencing, mass spectrometry genotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunohistochemical analysis (IHC). “Standard single marker detection” such as FISH, IHC and multi-gene hotspot detection (hotspot panel) can only find one or two types of clinically significant genetic abnormalities (such as only base substitutions). Studies have shown that the latest comprehensive next-generation sequencing technology for cancer comprehensive genetic testing can detect all four types of genetic abnormalities (base replacement; insertion and deletion; copy number variation and rearrangement), and is more accurate than traditional, standard tests.

Kumaha carana penderita kanker ngalaman uji coba FoundationOne® CDx?

Di Cina, éta mangrupikeun jasa analisis anu disayogikeun ku Dean Diagnostics. Jaringan Onkologi Global tiasa ngabantosan penderita kanker pikeun nampi jasa ieu, atanapi tés genetik kanggo sertifikasi otoritas domestik. Jaringan Onkologi Global, salaku platform jasa penderita kanker rumah tangga anu terkenal, parantos janten Pusat onkologi sareng ahli kanker anu kakoncara damel babarengan babarengan sacara rutin ngatur rapat bursa-pasén dokter-skala ageung sareng ceramah sains populér pikeun ngabantosan pasién janten standarisasi sareng diagnosis berwibawa sareng rencana pangubaran ngalangkungan konsultasi ahli di bumi sareng luar negeri, sareng ningkatkeun tingkat pangubaran. Kami ogé bakal ngusahakeun terus-terusan pikeun mayunan ngenalkeun inpormasi anti kanker anu ngarah di dunya, téknologi, ahli, ubar, uji klinis, sareng sajabana, sareng ngusahakeun sagala upaya pikeun nyayogikeun langkung seueur pasién anu ngagaduhan jasa anti kanker anu langkung saé.

KankerFax salaku diagnosis kanker domestik anu terkenal sareng konsultasi pangobatan sareng platform jasa, parantos komitmen pikeun nyayogikeun jasa anti kanker kelas munggaran pikeun penderita kanker rumah tangga, kalebet téknologi anti kanker panganyarna sareng sumber ahli ahli kanker luhur, nyetél tumor panggedéna pusat konsultasi sareng konsultasi di India, sareng Gawe sareng pusat konsultasi tumor anu terkenal sareng ahli di Amérika Serikat, Cina, Israél, sareng Éropa pikeun janten diagnosis tumor anu paling dipercaya sareng ahli konsultasi pangobatan di dunya.

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CancerFax mangrupikeun platform pioneering anu didedikasikeun pikeun ngahubungkeun individu anu nyanghareupan kanker tahap lanjut kalayan terapi sél anu inovatif sapertos terapi CAR T-Cell, terapi TIL, sareng uji klinis di sakuliah dunya.

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