Nyegah kanker serviks

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FDA nyebutkeun yén sanajan kanker cervical maéhan ngeunaan 4,000 awéwé di Amérika Serikat unggal taun, paling kangker cervical bisa dicegah. Sumawona, upami diagnosis pas waktuna, kanker serviks tiasa diubaran, sareng FDA parantos disatujuan tilu vaksin (2, 4 sareng 9) pikeun nyegah kanker serviks.

Cervical cancer is usually formed in the lower part of the cervix or uterus adjacent to the vagina. It is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), but not all people who carry the HPV virus will get kanker cervical. Cervical cancer has few symptoms, but it can be detected by conventional Pap smear, which is a cervical smear. This test requires taking some cells from the cervix, and then the laboratory checks whether these cells have abnormal cancerous changes. sign. Upami hasil uji Pap smear henteu normal, pamariksaan salajengna kedah dilaksanakeun, kalebet ujian HPV. Upami dua tés ieu tiasa dilakukeun dina waktos anu sami, tingkat négatip palsu bakal seueur dikirangan.

According to the FDA, there are more than 100 types of HPV, some of which are non-pathogenic. The HPV test detects those types of HPV that are more likely to cause cancer. Some women also need cervical biopsies if necessary. The HPV vaccine does not treat cervical cancer, but it can play a good role in preventing cervical cancer caused by high-risk types of HPV. Among them, cervical cancers caused by HPV types 16 and 18 account for 70% of the total. Gardsey 9 is the highest-priced preventive vaccine that can prevent cervical cancer caused by 9 types of HPV and provide comprehensive protection. People are best vaccinated before getting HPV to get full protection.

These vaccines are only preventive, and they work on the same principle as other vaccines that prevent viruses and bacterial diseases: they encourage the body to produce antibodies to viruses. However, remind female friends that regardless of whether they have been vaccinated, they should have regular Pap smears because it is extremely important to detect cervical cancer and precancerous lesions.

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