Kapanggihan anyar pikeun maéhan sél kanker ati

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Scientists at the University of Delaware and the University of Illinois at Chicago have discovered a new way to kill liver cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth. First, silence a key cellular enzyme, then add a potent drug. This research can accelerate the development of new treatments for liver cancer that are currently difficult to cure. Surgery is usually not an option for liver cancer, and the available drugs have limited efficacy. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 82% of liver cancer patients will die within five years. The researchers cultivated liver sél kanker and manipulated the expression of an enzyme called hexokinase-2. Then, the cells were treated with metformin, a diabetes drug that reduces glucose production in the liver. Then, examine how cancer cells respond to the loss of hexokinase-2, an enzyme that helps cells metabolize food-derived glucose. Mass spectrometry was used to analyze cancer cells and then determine the metabolic flux of cells with and without hexokinase-2. They suspected that cells losing hexokinase-2 would starve to death, but surprisingly, targeting hexokinase-2 had only a minor effect on stopping cancer cell growth. Another weapon, metformin, can help stop cancer cells from growing. We show that targeting hexokinase-2 can indeed be a successful strategy for cancer treatment, and that it requires the use of metformin as a second-generation compensation mechanism.Finally, a team from the University of Illinois at Chicago tested the effect of removing the combination of hexokinase-2 and the liver cancer drug sorafenib on liver cancer tumors in mice. This combination was better than the treatment alone.

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Ngartos Sindrom Pelepasan Sitokin: Nyababkeun, Gejala, sareng Pangobatan
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Ngartos Sindrom Pelepasan Sitokin: Nyababkeun, Gejala, sareng Pangobatan

Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) mangrupikeun réaksi sistem imun anu sering dipicu ku sababaraha pangobatan sapertos immunotherapy atanapi terapi sél CAR-T. Éta ngalibatkeun sékrési sitokin anu kaleuleuwihan, nyababkeun gejala mimitian ti muriang sareng kacapean dugi ka komplikasi anu ngancam kahirupan sapertos karusakan organ. Manajemén butuh strategi ngawaskeun sareng intervensi anu ati-ati.

Peran paramedics dina kasuksésan terapi CAR T Cell
Terapi T-Cell mobil

Peran paramedics dina kasuksésan terapi CAR T Cell

Paramedics maénkeun peran krusial dina kasuksésan terapi T-sél CAR ku mastikeun perawatan sabar seamless sapanjang proses perlakuan. Aranjeunna nyayogikeun pangrojong penting nalika transportasi, ngawaskeun tanda-tanda vital pasien, sareng ngalaksanakeun intervensi médis darurat upami aya komplikasi. Réspon gancang sareng perawatan ahli nyumbang kana kasalametan sareng efficacy terapi sacara umum, ngagampangkeun transisi anu langkung lancar antara setélan kasehatan sareng ningkatkeun hasil pasien dina bentang anu nangtang tina terapi sélular canggih.

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1) Pangobatan kanker di luar negeri?
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