Pitunjuk NCCN pikeun Kangker Sél Lung Leutik V2.2016

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The second edition of the 2016 NCCN Guidelines for Small Cell Lung Cancer (V2.2016) mainly updates the following parts based on V2.2015:

Lung cancer preliminary assessment stage update

  • SCL-2: Some patients can be selected for bone marrow aspiration. The selection criteria include: erythrocytes (RBC) with lobes in the peripheral blood smear, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia, which is characteristic of tumor bone marrow infiltration.

Initial Treatment Update (SCL-5)

  • The level of evidence for intracranial preventive radiotherapy (PCI) in patients with extensive SCLC was reduced from 1 to 2A.

  • Chest radiotherapy can be used as a treatment for patients with a wide range of stages.

Principles of chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer (SCL-C)

  • Bendamustine can be used as a second-line treatment option, evidence level 2B.

  • Cancel the 5-day dosing therapy of temozolomide.

Principles of Radiotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCL-D)

  • Pulmonary radiotherapy for extensive-stage tumors. Item 1 description was changed to: “Pulmonary consolidation radiotherapy may benefit patients with SCLC patients who have been selected for a wide period and respond to chemotherapy. Studies have shown that patients have good lung cancer consolidation Tolerance, can reduce the recurrence rate of symptomatic lungs, and can prolong long-term survival in some patients. The CREST randomized clinical trial in Germany shows that moderate-dose chest radiotherapy can improve in SCLC patients with extensive phase and effective for chemotherapy The 2-year overall survival rate and the 6-month PFS, although the study’s primary endpoint, 1-year overall survival, did not increase significantly. “

  • Prophylactic craniocerebral radiotherapy (PCI), entry 1 was changed to: “In SCLC patients with limited or extensive phases that respond well to chemotherapy, PCI can reduce the rate of brain metastasis and improve overall survival. However, despite the lead A randomized clinical study of PCI showed that PCI can reduce the rate of brain metastases. The preliminary results of a Japanese study showed that patients with no brain metastases confirmed by MRI had no significant benefit after PCI. For patients who do not receive PCI, regular follow-up should be considered Brain imaging examination. “

  • Prophylactic craniocerebral radiotherapy (PCI), entry 2 was changed to: “Recommended: PCI dose of whole brain radiotherapy should be 25Gy divided into 10 irradiations, 30Gy divided into 10-15 irradiations, or 24Gy divided into 8 irradiations. Shorter course of treatment (For example, 20Gy divided into 5 exposures) may be more appropriate in patients with a wide range of patients. The PCI99-01 study found that patients receiving 36Gy doses have higher mortality and chronic neurotoxicity than patients with 25Gy.”

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Ngartos Sindrom Pelepasan Sitokin: Nyababkeun, Gejala, sareng Pangobatan
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Ngartos Sindrom Pelepasan Sitokin: Nyababkeun, Gejala, sareng Pangobatan

Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) mangrupikeun réaksi sistem imun anu sering dipicu ku sababaraha pangobatan sapertos immunotherapy atanapi terapi sél CAR-T. Éta ngalibatkeun sékrési sitokin anu kaleuleuwihan, nyababkeun gejala mimitian ti muriang sareng kacapean dugi ka komplikasi anu ngancam kahirupan sapertos karusakan organ. Manajemén butuh strategi ngawaskeun sareng intervensi anu ati-ati.

Peran paramedics dina kasuksésan terapi CAR T Cell
Terapi T-Cell mobil

Peran paramedics dina kasuksésan terapi CAR T Cell

Paramedics maénkeun peran krusial dina kasuksésan terapi T-sél CAR ku mastikeun perawatan sabar seamless sapanjang proses perlakuan. Aranjeunna nyayogikeun pangrojong penting nalika transportasi, ngawaskeun tanda-tanda vital pasien, sareng ngalaksanakeun intervensi médis darurat upami aya komplikasi. Réspon gancang sareng perawatan ahli nyumbang kana kasalametan sareng efficacy terapi sacara umum, ngagampangkeun transisi anu langkung lancar antara setélan kasehatan sareng ningkatkeun hasil pasien dina bentang anu nangtang tina terapi sélular canggih.

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Hayu urang nyaho naon bisa urang pigawé pikeun anjeun.

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2) Terapi T-Sél mobil
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