Dr Yukihide Kanemitsu Bedah Colorectal

Sutradara - Jurusan Bedah Colorectal, Pangalaman:

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Dr. Yukihide Kanemitsu mangrupikeun dokter bedah kanker kolorektal pangsaéna di Jepang. Anjeunna parantos ngalaksanakeun seueur panilitian dina widang kanker usus besar sareng rektum sareng masihan seueur makalah panalungtikan di tingkat internasional.

The Colorectal Surgery Division deals with colorectal cancer and allied malignancies in the colon and rectum. Liver metastasis from kangker colorectal is treated in cooperation with the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Division. Lung metastasis from colorectal cancer is also treated in cooperation with the Thoracic Surgery Division. Although surgery is still the main treatment modality for colorectal cancer, multidisciplinary treatments including radiotherapy and chemotherapy are important in advanced cancer. We have multidisciplinary meetings with the Gastrointestinal Oncology Division, Endoscopy Division, Radiology Division, and Pathology Division every week and decide treatment strategy by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) before treatment is held. There are four staff surgeons, one chief resident, and three or four rotating residents. Every morning (7:30–8:30), we have a morning conference and rounds in wards 15A and B. A multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting is held for patients with cancer as a form of institutionalized communication every Tuesday morning (7:15–8:00), and a conference is held for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer: colorectal surgeons, endoscopists, and radiologists discuss the diagnosis for preoperative patients every Tuesday evening (18:30–19:30). Every Wednesday morning (7:00–7:30), a conference is held for the treatment of colorectal cancer: colorectal surgeons discuss treatments for preoperative and postoperative patients. Ten to twelve operations are performed a week in our division. Thus, the operations upon about 500 over 600 patients with colorectal cancers and allied diseases have been done annually.

rumah sakit

Pusat Kanker Nasional, Jepang


Prosedur Dilaksanakeun

  • Perawatan kanker koloréktal
  • Eksisi Mesorectal
  • Bedah kanker réktor

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