Dr Peng Li Bedah Hepatobiliary

Konsultan - Bedah Hepatobiliary, Pangalaman:

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Yu Bin, chief physician, Professor, tutor of master’s degree, director of the second Department of the fourth hospital of Hebei Medical University. He has been engaged in the clinical work of general surgery since 1991. In 2013, he participated in the work of Chinese medical team for Nepal aid for one year. He has clinical experience in the common and frequently occurring diseases of surgery, especially in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive tract tumors. Served as a member of colorectal and anal oncology group of oncology branch of Chinese Medical Association, a member of cancer targeting treatment professional committee of China Anti Cancer Association, a member of gastrointestinal surgery branch of China Association for international exchange and promotion of medical care, a standing member of colorectal cancer Professional Committee of Hebei Cancer Association, a vice chairman of colorectal cancer prevention and Control Professional Committee of Hebei Preventive Medicine Association, and a member of Hebei medicine Deputy head of colorectal group, oncology branch. He is good at the clinical diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer, and has carried out laparoscopic total mesorectal resection, extended radical resection of rectal cancer and radical resection of gastric cancer. Fluorescence laparoscopic resection of colorectal cancer and gastric cancer, as well as laparoscopic sphincter preserving operation for ultra-low rectal cancer. In recent years, he has published more than 30 papers in domestic and foreign magazines, and has undertaken many researches, such as the research on the role of blood CEA, CK20 mRNA and TPS in neoadjuvant radiotherapy for rectal cancer, the follow-up case-control study on survival period and quality of life after colorectal cancer surgery, etc.

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Rumah Sakit Kanker Hebei, Hebei, Cina


  • Bedah Hepatobiliary

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  • Bedah Hepatobiliary

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