Imunoterapi sél pikeun pencegahan, kambuh, sareng metastasis kanker ati

Bagikeun Post Ieu

The incidence of liver cancer in China is very high, because liver cancer is difficult to find in the early stage of the disease. Once the diagnosis is often in the middle and late stages, the optimal treatment time is often missed. The traditional treatment for liver cancer is surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, etc. However, such treatment methods generally have a relatively high recurrence rate, and the survival rate of patients is relatively low. To prevent recurrence and metastasis of liver tumors, cell immunotherapy tiasa nyobian ayeuna.


Due to the limitation of liver tumor size, growth location, and relationship with the position of large blood vessels and biliary tract, some patients with special small liver cancer, huge liver tumor, and middle-advanced liver cancer with multiple metastatic lesions often lose the opportunity for surgery.

However, for these patients, the expert’s approach is to first use argon-helium ultra-cold knife minimally invasive treatment, through physical freezing and thawing to destroy the cell structure of tumor tissue in a short period of time, promote tumor tissue necrosis and close tumor small blood vessels. At the same time, combined with interventional therapy, embolization of tumor large vessels and local high-concentration chemotherapy, the combination of the two therapies can inhibit the growth of liver sél kanker and eliminate tumor lesions in a short period of time.

In general, most of the primary kanker ati are large undetectable liver cancers, which are accompanied by tumor thrombi in the internal and external portal vein system. The recurrence rate within one year after radiotherapy and chemotherapy is as high as 60%, and the 3-year survival rate is less than 30%. Therefore, the most important thing for liver cancer surgery is to prevent recurrence, but traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy have large side effects, which can easily lead to liver cirrhosis and even liver function damage.

Métode perlakuan anu kawilang anyar - kekebalan sél biologis

(Sél CIK) boga pangaruh signifikan dina kanker ati canggih. Terapi ieu tiasa ngabantosan sél kanker sésa dina awak pasien, mulangkeun fungsi imun pasien pikeun ngaidentipikasi sareng maéhan sél kanker, sahingga nyegah sareng ngontrol metastasis tumor.

Sél CIK nyaéta sél pembunuh anu ngainduksi sitokin, nyaéta sél mononuklear anu diisolasi tina getih periferal, sumsum tulang atanapi getih umbilical cord. Sanggeus kurun waktu nu tangtu di laboratorium, aranjeunna ngainduksi, proliferasi, lajeng reinfused kana sabar langsung maéhan getih, sél Tumor dina limfa ogé ngatur jeung ningkatkeun fungsi imun sabar urang.

Numutkeun statistik klinis, 9 penderita kanker ati tahap 4 ngalaman leuwih ti 3 siklus immunotherapy sél sanggeus bedah, nu bisa hadé nyegah kambuh deui kanker ati sanggeus bedah. Waktu survival rata-rata saatos perawatan nyaéta 20 bulan, sareng tingkat kambuh dina 1 taun ngan ukur 22.2%, sareng gejala ngarareunah kalolobaan pasien ningkat.

Pamahaman saderhana di luhur pikeun nyegah kambuh tumor ati sareng metastasis, anjeun tiasa nyobian immunotherapy sél, immunotherapy sél mangrupikeun metode anu énggal pikeun ngubaran kanker, sapertos immunotherapy sél biologis, tiasa ngabantosan pasien ngaleungitkeun sél kanker sésa-sésa dina awak, salian kekebalan. Terapi gaduh pangaruh ngaidentipikasi sareng maéhan sél kanker, ku kituna nyegah panyebaran sareng metastasis tumor.

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