Aspirin prédiksi poténsial nyegah kanker ati

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The researchers found that taking two or more standard doses (325 mg) of pills per week reduced the risk of liver cancer by 49%. Compared with people who do not often use aspirin or do not use aspirin, the frequent use of aspirin causes a significantly lower risk of liver cancer. With the extension of aspirin dose and duration of use, the risk of liver cancer gradually decreased. However, it should be noted that this study does not prove that aspirin can reduce the risk caused by the liver, but there is a correlation.

In this study, the researchers analyzed long-term data for more than 45 800 women and 87 500 men in the United States. The researchers report that the protective effect of aspirin increases over time. In patients taking aspirin for 5 years or more, the risk of liver cancer was reduced by 59%. Studies have shown that regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or febuprofen (Motrin, Advil) is not related to reducing the risk of liver cancer. The results were published in “JAMA Oncology”.

However, routine use of aspirin increases the risk of bleeding, and the next step should be to study its effect on patients with confirmed liver disease. Senior study author Dr. Andrew Chan noted that “aspirin has been recommended for use by some American adults to prevent heart disease and colorectal cancer.”

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