Viagra zuva nezuva diki diki inogona kudzora njodzi yekenza yakajeka

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Masayendisiti anoshuma kuti diki zuva rega rega reViagra rinogona kuderedza zvakanyanya njodzi yegomarara remukati mumhando dzemhuka, inova yechitatu inotungamira kukonzeresa kufa kwegomarara.

Dr. Darren D. Browning, muongorori wekenza kuGeorgia Cancer Center uye Dhipatimendi reBiochemistry neMolecular Biology, akati Viagra inogona kudzikisira kuumbwa kwepolyps muhafu. Polyps ane asina kujairika ura marara maseru masumbu uye anowanzo asymptomatic, asi polyps ane Mukana wekuva cancer.

Viagra can inhibit the naturally occurring enzyme PDE5 in colon cells and other decomposable circulating GMP tissues, so it can be used to reduce cell proliferation and improve cell differentiation, such as goblet cells secreting protective mucus. The study found that targeting circulating GMP signaling seems to be a good prevention strategy for high-risk patients.

The study found that placing Viagra in the drinking water of mice reduced polyps in the mouse model, and the mice had genetic mutations in adenomatous polyposis coli (APC). Like these mice, people with  mutations in the APC gene can develop into hundreds or thousands of polyps in the colon and rectum, and ultimately eventually cause kenza yakajeka. At the same time, giving Viagra to young mice can reduce the number of tumors in these animals by half.

He pointed out that Viagra has been on the market for many years and is known for its ability to relax smooth muscle cells around blood vessels. It is used in people with multiple doses and age groups, from patients with premature pulmonary hypertension to elderly people with erectile dysfunction. Dr. Browning said that the next step should include clinical trials of drugs in people at high risk for colorectal cancer, such as those with a strong family history, multiple polyps, and chronic intestinal inflammation such as colitis. If the test achieves gratifying results, Viagra will refresh the indications for cancer prevention.

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