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BRAF mutations occur in 15% of colorectal patients. There are no targeted drugs approved by the FDA so far, and the prognosis is poor. Among them, BRAF V600E is the most common mutation.

Recently, the results of the Phase III BEACON CRC trial study announced: three-drug combination therapy of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) who had previously received second-line treatment of BRAF V600E mutation-encorafenib (Bratovi) + binimetinib (Mektovi) + cetuxima Monoclonal antibody (erbital), compared with the combination of irinotecan and cetuximab, can reduce the risk of death by 48%.

Mhedzisiro yechikamu chechitatu cheongororo yakaratidza kuti kurarama kwepakati nepakati (OS) kwetatu kurapwa kwaive mwedzi 9.0, zvichienzaniswa nemwedzi 5.4 yevarwere vanogamuchira cetuximab pamwe irinotecan.

Array BioPharma, the manufacturer of Encorafenib and binimetinib, said in a press release that it intends to submit these data for marketing approval in the second half of 2019.

MD Anderson Cancer Center muongorori mukuru Dr. Scott Kopetz akati iyo BEACON CRC kuyedza ndiyo yekutanga chikamu III kiriniki kutongwa kune varwere vane colorectal varwere vane BRAF V600E-mutant mhando. Iine shanduko yakakosha pamusoro peyakajairika kusanganiswa kwemishonga mitatu uye inotarisirwa kushandura iripo chirongwa cheKiriniki yekurapa.

Zvimwe zvinongedzo zvakawanikwa neatatu kurapwa  

The US FDA previously granted the three-drug combination plan as a breakthrough treatment designation for the treatment of patients with BRAF V600E mutant metastatic kenza yakajeka, which was used after failure of first-line or second-line treatment. This decision is based on the results of the safety introduction phase of the BEACON CRC trial (a trial to assess the safety of drugs).

In March 2019, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) updated the clinical practice guidelines for colorectal cancer oncology, combining encorafenib + binimetinib + EGFR monoclonal antibody (cetuximab) as a BRAF V600E mutant metastatic colorectal cancer patient. Type 2A treatment is recommended and should be used after 1 or 2 lines of treatment have failed.

Munguva yechikamu chekuzivisa chakachengeteka, varwere makumi matatu vakagamuchira katatu kurapwa, 30 mg encorafenib kamwe pazuva. 300 mg binimetinib kaviri pazuva; uyezve inosanganiswa neyakajairwa cetuximab dosi.

29 varwere vane BRAF V600 mutation uye 1% yevarwere vane microsatellite kusagadzikana-yakakwira chinzvimbo. Mhedzisiro yacho inoratidza kuti hurongwa hutatu hwakaratidza kushivirira kwakanaka. Zvinoenderana nedhata rakapihwa 2019 Gastrointestinal Cancer Symposium, iyo yepakati yekutevera-nguva yaive mwedzi 18.2, uye mhedzisiro yacho yakaratidza fungidziro yepakati-yekuenderera-kwemahara kwemwedzi 8.0 uye wepakati pekupona wemwedzi 15.3 (gore rimwe zhinji). Nekuongororwa kwenzvimbo yemutero wekupindura we48%, varwere vatatu vakawana mhinduro yakazara

Nezve chengetedzo, ese ari matatu mapfumo uye ma duplex zvirongwa zvinoregererwa zvakanaka uye hapana netsaona chepfu. Iwo maviri ekuchengetedza maficha anoenderanawo neaya anoonekwa mune yega yega yezvidzidzo zvekare.

This heavy study data may become the first targeted treatment plan for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer that does not contain chemotherapy drugs. This is undoubtedly an important good news for the population of patients with BRAF V600E mutant colorectal cancer who have a very high demand for effective treatment.

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