Kuwedzera uye kunyanya kushushikana uye kushushikana mushure mecolorectal cancer zvine hukama nezvinhu izvi

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Muchidzidzo chakaburitswa online muna Kubvumbi 6 muCancer, kuwanda kwekuora mwoyo uye kusagadzikana kwakawedzera pakati pevarwere vane colorectal cancer (CRC).

The team of Dr. Floortje Mols from the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands examined the symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients with CRC. Between 2000 and 2013, 2,625 patients diagnosed with CRC completed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the European Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire, which included a sample of 315 individuals with age and gender matching specifications.

The researchers found that patients reported significantly higher prevalence of depression (19% vs 12.8%) and anxiety disorder (20.9% vs 11.8%) compared to the standard sample. The longer the diagnosis of cancer, the more the depression symptoms are reduced; the older men are less likely to be anxious, but they are more prone to depression; the married patients’ anxiety and depression are reduced; the lower the education level, the more comorbid diseases, the more anxiety and depression. Severe anxiety and depression symptoms are associated with lower global quality of life, physical condition, role, cognition, mood, and social function.

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Kurapa Kwemasero eCAR T kunoitwa nevanhu: Kubudirira Uye Zvinetso
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Kurapa Kwemasero eCAR T: Kubudirira uye Zvinetso

Human-based CAR T-cell therapy inosandura kurapwa kwegomarara nekugadzirisa magene masero emuviri emurwere kuti anange nekuparadza maseru egomarara. Nekushandisa simba rekudzivirira kwemuviri, marapirwo aya anopa marapiro ane simba uye emunhu ane mukana wekuregererwa kwenguva refu mumhando dzakasiyana dzegomarara.

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Kunzwisisa Cytokine Release Syndrome: Zvinokonzera, Zviratidzo, uye Kurapa

Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) is immune system reaction inowanzo kukonzerwa nemamwe marapirwo senge immunotherapy kana CAR-T cell therapy. Zvinosanganisira kuburitswa kwakanyanya kwemacytokines, zvichikonzera zviratidzo kubva pafivha uye kuneta kusvika kune zvinogona kuuraya hupenyu sekukuvadzwa kwenhengo. Kutungamira kunoda kunyatsotarisisa uye nzira dzekupindira.

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Tinoshuvira kupora nekukurumidza kwemudiwa wako uye padyo neuyo.

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Kugamuchirwa kuCancerFax!

CancerFax ipuratifomu yekupayona yakatsaurirwa kubatanidza vanhu vakatarisana negomarara repamberi nekurapa kwesero seCAR T-Cell therapy, TIL kurapwa, uye miedzo yekiriniki pasi rese.

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