MESO-CAR T Masero Therapy yeKudzokerazve uye Refractory Epithelial Ovarian Cancer

CAR T Sero kurapwa mukurapa kenza ye ovarian
Chinangwa chechiyedzo chekiriniki iyi ndechekudzidza kugona uye kushanda kwe anti-MESO antigen receptors (CARs) T cell therapy yekenza yakadzokororwa uye refractory epithelial ovarian cancer.

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March 2023:

Pfupiso Pfupi:

The purpose of this clinical trial is to find out if anti-MESO antigen receptor CAR T-cell kurapa anogona be used to treat epithelial ovarian cancer that has come back or stopped responding to other treatments.

Ruzivo Ruzere:

Zvinangwa Zvikuru

To determine the feasibility and safety of anti-MESO CAR-T cells in treating patients with MESO-positive ovarian cancer.

Zvinangwa zveSekondari

To assess the efficacy of anti-MESO CAR-T cells in patients with ovarian cancer.

To determine the in vivo dynamics and persistency of anti-MESO CAR-T cells.

Chidzidzo chekudzidza

Rudzi rweChidzidzo : Yekupindira (Clinical Trial)
Zvinofungidzirwa Kunyoresa: 20 vatori vechikamu
Kugoverwa: N/A
Mutevedzeri Wokupindira: Basa Reboka Rimwechete
Masking: Hapana (Vhura Label)
Chinangwa Chekutanga: Kurapa
Musoro Wezita: Kuchengetedzeka uye Kubudirira kweMESO-CAR T Masero Therapy yeRelapsed uye Refractory Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.
Inofungidzirwa Kudzidza Zuva Rokutanga : Kubvumbi 20, 2019
Zuva Rokupedzwa Kwekutanga : Kubvumbi 20, 2022
Inofungidzirwa Zuva Rokupedzwa Kwekudzidza : Kubvumbi 20, 2023


Inosanganisira Maitiro:

18 to 70 Years Old, female; Expected survival > 12 weeks; Clinical performance status of ECOG score 0–2; Patients who have previously been treated with second-line or more lines of standard treatment are not effective (No remission or recurrence after remission); At least one measurable tumor foci according to RECIST standard 1.1 ; Positive Mesothelin expression in tumor tissues; Creatinine ≤ 1.5×ULN; ALT and AST ≤ 3×ULN; Total bilirubin ≤ 2×ULN; Hemoglobin≥90g/L; Absolute counting of neutrophils≥1000uL ; Absolute counting of lymphocytes>0.7×10^9/L; Counting of Platelets≥75000/uL; The venous access required for collection can be established without contraindications for leukocyte collection. I am able to understand and sign the informed consent document.

Kuregererwa Criteria:

Accompanied by other uncontrolled malignant tumors; Active hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, HIV infection; Suffering severe cardiovascular or respiratory disease; Any other diseases could affect the outcome of this trial. Any affairs that could affect the safety of the subjects or outcome of this trial Pregnant or lactating women, or patients who plan to be pregnant during or after treatment; There are active or uncontrollable infections (except simple urinary tract infections or upper respiratory tract infections) that require systemic therapy 14 days or 14 days prior to assignment; Patients who are accounted by researchers as not appropriate for this test; Received CAR-T treatment or other gene therapies before assignment; Subject suffering disease affects the understanding of informed consent or compliance with study protocol.

Tarisa rondedzero yezvipatara zviri kuita CAR T-Cell kurapwa muChina.

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Zvimwe Kuti Uongorore

Kunzwisisa Cytokine Release Syndrome: Zvinokonzera, Zviratidzo, uye Kurapa
CAR T-Cell kurapa

Kunzwisisa Cytokine Release Syndrome: Zvinokonzera, Zviratidzo, uye Kurapa

Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) is immune system reaction inowanzo kukonzerwa nemamwe marapirwo senge immunotherapy kana CAR-T cell therapy. Zvinosanganisira kuburitswa kwakanyanya kwemacytokines, zvichikonzera zviratidzo kubva pafivha uye kuneta kusvika kune zvinogona kuuraya hupenyu sekukuvadzwa kwenhengo. Kutungamira kunoda kunyatsotarisisa uye nzira dzekupindira.

Basa revaparamedics mukubudirira kweCAR T Cell therapy
CAR T-Cell kurapa

Basa revaparamedics mukubudirira kweCAR T Cell therapy

Paramedics inobata basa rakakosha mukubudirira kweCAR T-cell therapy nekuona kuchengetwa kwemurwere pasina musono panguva yese yekurapa. Vanopa rubatsiro rwakakosha panguva yekufambisa, kutarisa zviratidzo zvinokosha zvevarwere, uye kupa rubatsiro rwechimbichimbi kana matambudziko amuka. Kupindura kwavo nekukurumidza uye kutarisirwa kwehunyanzvi kunobatsira mukuchengetedzeka kwese uye kushanda kwekurapa, kufambisa shanduko yakapfava pakati pezvirongwa zvehutano uye kuvandudza mhedzisiro yevarwere munzvimbo yakaoma yemhando yepamusoro cellular therapies.

Kuda rubatsiro? Chikwata chedu chakagadzirira kukubatsira.

Tinoshuvira kupora nekukurumidza kwemudiwa wako uye padyo neuyo.

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Kugamuchirwa kuCancerFax!

CancerFax ipuratifomu yekupayona yakatsaurirwa kubatanidza vanhu vakatarisana negomarara repamberi nekurapa kwesero seCAR T-Cell therapy, TIL kurapwa, uye miedzo yekiriniki pasi rese.

Tizivise zvatinogona kukuitira.

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