Korean homegrown CAR T-Cell therapy iri munzira

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Nov 2021: Yekutanga kuyedzwa kwekiriniki yechizvarwa chekuSouth Korea chinotevera chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy, iyo yakagadzirirwa kunzvenga masiginecha ekutarisa immune, ichangobva kuitika.

CAR T Cell kurapwa muSouth Korea

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) yakazivisa neChitatu kuti Phase 1b kiriniki yekuyedza yeCAR-T cell therapy parizvino iri kuitwa paSamsung Medical Center muSeoul. Muedzo uyu uri kuitwa nevarwere gumi vekuKorea vakadzokera shure uye vanoramba vachiparadzira hombe B cell lymphoma. Kodzero dzekutengesa pombi dzakatamiswa kubva kuyunivhesiti kuenda kukambani yeCurocell, iyo yakavambwa naProfessor Kim Chan-hyuk. Curocell ndiye anotungamira chirongwa chekiriniki yekuvandudza yeshanduko immunotherapy.

In addition, a Phase 2 kliniki yekuedzwa involving seventy participants is going to take place the following year to assess how safe and effective the investigational medication is.

The acronym CAR T, which stands for chimeric antigen receptor T, is frequently referred to as a miracle cure. This is due to the fact that studies conducted in other countries on terminal blood cancer patients demonstrated that the therapy had a therapeutic effect of more than 80 percent. T cells from a patient are taken from the patient’s blood, genetically enhanced to make them more effective, and then reintroduced to the patient so that they can continue to fight and destroy cancer cells inside the patient’s body.

The research team that was led by Professor Kim of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the KAIST confirmed an improved anticancer efficacy of CAR-T cells in mice with leukaemia and lymphoma. This was achieved by simultaneously inhibiting programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and T-cell immunoglobulin and ITIM domain (TIGIT), both of which are known to disturb the function of T cells. According to Professor Lee Young-ho, a post-doctoral researcher at KAIST and the first author of the animal model study, this dual blockade of PD-1 and TIGIT is a novel strategy to overcome the immunosuppression of existing CAR-T cells. This strategy was discovered by Prof. Lee Young-ho.

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