EDGE isina-invasive bundu radiosurgery yekenza yemapapu

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Kenza ine hukama nekufa muUnited States

The American Cancer Society published its 2015 annual cancer statistics report online on January 5, 2015. The cancer death rate in the United States has fallen by 22% from its peak in 1991 to the present, which means that 1.5 million cancer patients have avoided death. The report also predicted the incidence and mortality of cancer in the United States in 2015.

Kanza yemaperembudzi, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer are the most common cancer deaths, accounting for almost half of the total cancer mortality, and lung cancer accounts for 27%. For kenza yemapapu, the mortality rate of male patients decreased by 36% from 1991 to 2011, and female patients decreased by 11%. Breast cancer mortality has declined by 35% from the peak to date, while Kenza yeprotate and rectal cancer have decreased by 47%.

EDGE isina-invasive bundu kubvisa radiosurgery

Dr. Liao of the Henry Ford Hospital of the United States said that because American hospitals have the world’s most advanced technology and the most experts, the United States has been at the forefront of cancer treatment in the world. The introduction and use of the EDGE non-invasive tumarara removal system has further improved the level of cancer treatment in the United States. And the five-year survival rate of cancer patients. The American Henry Ford Hospital Cancer Center is an American hospital with a team of 12 oncologists. Multidisciplinary experts work together to develop a personalized treatment plan for a patient to ensure that the treatment plan is comprehensive and effective.

The EDGE tumor non-invasive radiosurgery treatment system is a cancer treatment system approved by the US FDA in 2014. It is by far the most effective tumor radiosurgery system. It is difficult to perform routine surgery on tumors such as head tumors, lung cancer, spinal tumors, gomarara rechiropa and other solid tumors. It has a treatment effect that is difficult to achieve with conventional surgery and radiotherapy equipment, and is the best choice for cancer patients to remove tumor lesions so far.

Compared with conventional surgery and conventional chemotherapy, the EDGE tumor non-invasive surgical removal system has the following advantages:

1. Non-invasive: without any incision, the patient does not need to undergo huge trauma of surgery;

2. Short treatment time: about 10 minutes each treatment time, does not affect the patient’s quality of life;

3. Less treatment times: 1-5 times, once a day, without hospitalization;

4. High efficiency: Up to 5 tumors can be removed at the same time, and the tumor can be removed up to 5-175px, which is suitable for the removal of lesions in almost all patients with solid tumors;

5. Thoroughly: track and lock the escaped tumor and clear it every 10 milliseconds, completely eliminate the tumor cells;

6. High-intensity precision treatment: high-energy, 0.2-millimeter-level precision eliminates tumor cells, and almost no damage to surrounding important organs and tissues;

7. Convenience: no anesthesia and no hospitalization;

8. There are almost no side effects: the patient has no side effects of routine surgery and radiotherapy.

Comparison of EDGE with gamma knife and wave knife:

  1. Higher treatment intensity: EDGE radiation treatment intensity is more than 6 times that of gamma knife and wave knife, eliminating tumor cells more thoroughly.

  2. The treatment effect is better: 0.2 mm precision, dynamic and real-time tracking of tumor cells, the treatment effect is far better than the gamma knife and the wave knife.

  3. More tumor foci can be removed at a time: EDGE can remove up to 5 tumor foci at a time, and the treatment efficiency is higher, while gamma knife and wave knife can only remove one tumor foci at a time.

  4. Shorter time: EDGE resection of multiple brain metastases only takes about 10 minutes, while other radiation treatments such as gamma knife or wave knife take 1 to 5 hours.

  5. EDGE, almost no side effects of gamma knife and wave knife.

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