Dr. Wang Shunxiang Kuvhiya kweHepatobiliary

Murairidzi - Hepatobiliary Kuvhiya, Chiitiko:

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Wang Shunxiang, akapedza kudzidza kubva kuDhipatimendi rekurapa reHebei Medical University muna Chikunguru 1988, akagara mukuvhiya kwechipatara chechina cheHebei Medical University. Iye zvino ndiye mutungamiriri wekuvhiyiwa kwehepatobiliary yechipatara chechina cheHebei Medical University, chiremba mukuru, Purofesa, chiremba wemishonga, mutariri wechiremba. Akashanda senhengo yeStanding Committee yeCholangiocarcinoma Professional Committee yeChina Anti Cancer Association, nhengo yeHepatoma Professional Committee yeChina Anti Cancer Association, akamira director weHebei anti cancer Association, sachigaro weHepatoma Professional Committee yeHebei Anti cancer Association, sachigaro wehepatoma. Professional Committee yeHebei kenza yekudzivirira uye kurapwa Federation, sachigaro weHepatoma Association yeHebei Medical Association, mutevedzeri wemutungamiri weboka rebiliary reHebei Medical Association, uye Chinese mushonga Nhengo yeHepatology boka, mupepeti webhodhi nhengo yeChinese Journal yekuvhiya endoscopic uye zvimwe zvinzvimbo zvedzidzo. .

He specializes in hepatobiliary surgery, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatobiliary, pancreatic and splenic tumors and benign diseases. He organized and implemented the liver transplantation in the fourth hospital of Hebei Medical University, and achieved success. More than 30 postgraduates were trained. “Reform and exploration of general surgery probation teaching” won the first prize of teaching achievement in Hebei Province. “Basic and clinical research on biomarkers of gastric cancer and its regional lymph nodes” won the second prize of science and technology progress of Hebei Province. Study on the expression and significance of VEGF in pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and gastric cancer” and “study on the mechanism of invasion and metastasis of liver cancer and its application” won the third prize of science and technology progress of Hebei Province, and published more than 50 papers.


Hebei Cancer Chipatara, Hebei, China


  • Kuvhiya kweHepatobiliary

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  • Kuvhiya kweHepatobiliary

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Kugamuchirwa kuCancerFax!

CancerFax ipuratifomu yekupayona yakatsaurirwa kubatanidza vanhu vakatarisana negomarara repamberi nekurapa kwesero seCAR T-Cell therapy, TIL kurapwa, uye miedzo yekiriniki pasi rese.

Tizivise zvatinogona kukuitira.

1) Kurapwa kwegomarara kunze kwenyika?
2) CAR T-Cell therapy
3) Mushonga wegomarara
4) Online vhidhiyo kubvunza
5) Proton kurapwa