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In addition to surgery, chemotherapy is the main treatment for gastric cancer

At present, the treatment of gastric cancer is still mainly surgical resection. Because of the majority of patients with gastric cancer admitted to advanced cancer. The surgical resection rate is only about 50%. Moreover, the efficacy of simple surgery is very poor, and the five-year survival rate after surgery is only 20% to 30%. As an important part of comprehensive treatment, chemotherapy is one of the important methods for treating gastric cancer today.

Commonly used chemotherapy drugs for gastric cancer: 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, etoposide, doxorubicin, epirubicin, mitomycin, paclitaxel, docetaxel, etc. Clinically, a combination of multiple chemotherapy regimens is commonly used, such as:

CF scheme (cisplatin / 5FU)

ECF scheme (epirubicin / cisplatin / 5FU) and its improved scheme (oxaliplatin instead of cisplatin and / or capecitabine instead of 5FU)

ELF scheme (Etoposide / Calcium Folinate / 5FU)

FAM scheme ( 5FU / Adriamycin / Mitomycin)

DCF scheme (Docetaxel / Cisplatin / 5-FU)

Common side effects and treatment measures of chemotherapy

Most patients with gastric cancer have varying degrees of nausea, vomiting, and anorexia 1-6 hours after medication , and a few have delayed reactions. Anti-emetic drugs such as glastron or azastron should be given routinely before and after chemotherapy as directed by your doctor. In addition, adjust the eating time according to the individual situation of the patient, eat a small number of meals, eat a light diet, and avoid eating foods that are too strong, greasy, and easy to produce gas. Most patients after total gastrectomy have mild or heavy symptoms of esophageal reflux. Do not lie down immediately after a meal. Raise the head of the bed 10-20 degrees during sleep. At the same time, family members should not eat too strong in the patient’s room. Greasy food, so as not to cause adverse stimulation to patients, try to keep patients in good mood.

The advent of targeted drugs changes the treatment situation

With the approval of targeted drugs, many patients who are eligible for targeted drugs have avoided the pain of chemotherapy and do not need to be infused in hospitals throughout the day. The treatment effect is greatly improved and the quality of life is greatly improved.

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