Anti-cancer cancer drug Opdivo inova yekutanga PD-1 mushonga wekuporesa kenza yemapapu

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On January 13, 2015, Huanyu Dakang Medical News pharmaceutical giant Squibb Company ushered in a good start in 2015. The anti-cancer immunotherapy drug nivolumab developed by the company was approved last month under the trade name of Opdivo. In the first month of 2015, Opdivo heard good news again. In a comparative clinical study of kenza yemapapu conducted by Squibb, Opdivo obtained new positive research data. In this clinical study involving 272 lung cancer patients, the researchers compared the efficacy of Opdivo with the current clinical standard therapy docetaxel, and the results proved the obvious advantage of this drug in the overall survival rate of patients. Reached the primary end point expected by previous researchers.

Opdivo is currently the most popular PD-1 drug. PD-1 is a cell cycle checkpoint protein. Its runaway causes tumarara cells to escape immune monitoring in the body. According to the decision made by the FDA last month, Opdivo was approved for the treatment of melanoma (related reading: FDA approved Squibb PD-1 inhibitor Nivolumab (Opdivo) three months in advance, the same price as Keytruda) Similar drugs in this field are Keytruda from Merck. The results of Squibb ’s clinical research have made Opdivo the first PD-1 drug to treat lung cancer. More importantly, this result will help Squibb to lead its competitors in PD-1 drug research. Pharmaceutical companies currently active in this area include biomedical giants such as Merck, Roche and AstraZeneca.

Squibb yakaburitsa pachena kuti kambani yakaendesa chikumbiro chaOpdivo chekurapa zviratidzo zvegomarara remapapu kuFDA uye neEU pharmaceutical management. Ehe, iyo ambitious Squibb Kambani haingogutsikane chete nekenza yemapapu uye melanoma. Muchokwadi, Squibb parizvino iri kuita zvidzidzo zvinopfuura makumi matatu neshanu zveOpdivo chete kana musanganiswa nemimwe mishonga yekurapa mabundu akasiyana. Sekureva kwevanoongorora, remangwana rekutengesa reOpdivo richasvika pamadhora mazana mashanu emadhora ekuAmerica.

The cancer immunotherapy research that has emerged in recent years has brought new hope for humans to conquer the disease of cancer. Almost all biomedical giants are planning in this field, hoping to share a cake. However, it is not yet known who will be the biggest winner in this technological revolution.

Detailed English report:

Bristol-Myers Squibb's ($ BMY) standout immuno-o ncology drug nivolumab, yakatenderwa mwedzi wapera saOpdivo, yakawana budiriro inokatyamadza muyedzo yekenza yemapapu yenguva yekupedzisira, ichisimbisa tarisiro yekutengesa kwepio iri kuda kurapwa.

Muchidzidzo chevarwere mazana maviri nemakumi manomwe nembiri chinokanisa Opdivo neanouraya cancer docetaxel, Bristol-Myers drug demo yakaratidza kupona kwepamusoro-soro kana zvichienzaniswa neruwoko rwekutonga zvekuti yakarova magumo ekutanga pamberi pehurongwa, ichitungamira dhata remuyedzo. chidzidzo chipedzisirwe kare. Bristol-Myers parizvino ari kukoka varwere vari muboka redocetaxel kuti vapinde muOpdivo kuburikidza neyakavhurika-label yekuwedzera kudzidza.

Kurapa kweBristol-Myers kwakagadzirirwa kusimudzira immune system kurwisa mapundu nekuvhara nzira inonzi PD-1, iyo, yakasiiwa isina kutariswa, inobvumira maseru egomarara kupfuura asingaonekwe nedziviriro yemuviri. SaMerck's ($ MRK) yakafanana Keytruda, Opdivo akahwina mvumo yeFDA gore rapfuura semushonga wemelanoma, asi mushonga weBristol-Myers unomira wega mugomarara remapapu, sezvo kubudirira kwayo kwekiriniki kunoratidza kekutanga apo PD-1 inhibitor yakachata a. mukana wekupona kurwisa chirwere, kambani yakati.

Opdivo’s particular promise in isina-diki kenza yemapapu kenza has led analysts to pencil it in as the most commercially promising among therapies that block PD-1 and the related PD-L1, putting Bristol-Myers ahead of Merck, Roche ($ RHHBY), AstraZeneca ($ AZN) and others. Analysts figure Opdivo will bring in peak sales of around $ 5 billion, and Leerink’s Seamus Fernandez believes the treatment’s potential in lung cancer will take it as high as $ 7.3 billion by 2020. The entire class of therapies is expected to bring in a bout $ 35 billion a year.

Bristol-Myers akaendesa mafomu egomarara remapapu kuUS neEurope kuOpdivo mugomarara remapapu, achitarisira kuwedzera kushandiswa kwechirwere ichi gare gare gore rino.

Like its competitors, Bristol-Myers has mounted an expansive R & D program for its PD-1 candidate, running more than 35 trials in total that test Opdivo alone or as part of a cocktail in renal cell carcinoma, kenza yemusoro neyemutsipa, glioblastoma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and other cancers.

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