Sidee Japan u yareysay dhacdooyinka iyo dhimashada kansarka caloosha?

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It is not difficult to reduce the mortality rate of gastric cancer in a certain year, but it is difficult to continuously reduce it for 60 years.

What did Japan do to reduce the incidence and death of gastric cancer?

1. Salt

The intake of salt in food is also positively correlated with the incidence of gastric cancer. Some studies have speculated on the intake of salt in food based on the salt content in urine, and sampled people from 24 countries and found that the more salt they eat, the higher the mortality rate of gastric cancer.

There is more salt in the Japanese diet. But for decades, Japan ‘s average salt intake has been declining.

How much gastric cancer can be reduced by controlling the amount of salt? There is no exact data yet, but too much salt can cause many health problems.

2. Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori can cause gastric ulcers, and there have been different opinions about whether it can cause gastric cancer.

A clinical trial was conducted in China to eradicate gastric ulcers, but after seven years of follow-up after treatment, it was found that eradication of gastric ulcers did not reduce the incidence of gastric cancer .It was not until 15 years of follow-up that the reduction in gastric cancer morbidity and mortality was clearly seen.

Starting in 2013, Japan ‘s National Health Insurance began to pay for the cure of gastric ulcers, hoping to further reduce gastric cancer and related mortality.

To sum up

Compared to the “cancer moon landing plan” proposed by the United States or the Japanese national screening plan, the refrigerator, table salt, and Helicobacter pylori are relatively realistic.

In view of the serious harm of gastric cancer to Japanese people, the National Cancer Center of Japan has proposed 8 recommendations for diet to prevent gastric cancer:

1. Nutritional balance;

2. Daily diet changes slightly;

3. Excessive eating and drinking;

4. Quit smoking;

5. Eat more green and yellow vegetables;

6. Eat less salty food;

7. Don’t eat the part of food that is simmered;

8. Before eating, see if the food is moldy.

The Chinese are all East Asians, so there are indeed similarities with the Japanese in eating habits. In addition to following the recommendations of the National Cancer Center of Japan, salted and smoked foods have now been shown to be related to stomach cancer, so they must be avoided as much as possible. Helicobacter pylori is also closely related to gastric cancer. Infection with H. pylori may increase the risk of stomach cancer by 2.7 to 12. Westerners adopt a meal-sharing system when eating, and they are used to using knives and forks, while Chinese people like to eat with chopsticks and cauldron, which also causes Helicobacter pylori to spread among the crowd. Therefore, when dining, try to use the chopsticks system, disinfect tableware regularly, if you use wooden chopsticks, it should be replaced every three months.

In view of the rapid increase in the incidence of gastric cancer in young people, and the high malignant degree of gastric cancer in young people, the rapid development, coupled with easy misdiagnosis, many people have been diagnosed with gastric cancer in the middle and late stages, and it is only treated at this time. . If you have symptoms of upper abdominal discomfort, hidden pain, fullness after eating, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, frequent vomiting, overnight food and gastric juice, and black tarry stools, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible without delay.

The reason for the high cure rate of gastric cancer in Japan is that the early detection rate of cancer is high, and the second is that in addition to conventional surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Japan also has advanced technologies such as mature tumor vaccine technology, and the latest immune checkpoint inhibitor pd1 represents new drugs for patients Perform comprehensive treatment. For details, please call +91 96 1588 1588 or log in to the Global Oncologist Network.

If conditions permit, especially those with a family history of gastric cancer should have a gastric cancer susceptibility gene test as soon as possible. If you get a high-risk result, you should follow the doctor’s advice to perform regular screening, knowing early prevention, early detection and early treatment The survival rate of early gastric cancer can reach more than 90%.


The content of this public account is only for communication and reference, not as a basis for diagnosis and medical treatment, and all consequences caused by actions made in accordance with this article shall be borne by the perpetrator. For professional medical questions, please consult a professional or professional medical institution.

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Ma u baahan tahay caawimaad? Kooxdayadu waxay diyaar u yihiin inay ku caawiyaan.

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