Cytokine-mediated obesity stimulates intestinal cancer

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A new study describes themechanistic relationship between thecytokine interleukin-1β(IL-1β) and obesity. WhenIL-1βlevels increase in obesity, theactivation ofIL-1receptor signaling leads to a large number of colon cancers. Kinds of ways. This study shows that obesity is related tothe systemic increase ofIL-1β,the  activation ofWntand the proliferation of mouse colon cells.

Joel Mason of Tufts University in Massachusetts and Tufts University School of Medicine and colleagues at Tufts University co-authored the article ” Interleukin- 1 Signaling Mediates Obesity-Promoted Increased Inflammatory Cytokines, Wnt Activation, and Small ” Proliferation of rat colonic epithelial cells ” article. “

The researchers set out to determine the role of IL-1β in regulating events leading to obesity-promoting colorectal cancer. They compared the role of IL-1β in mice fed a high-fat (obese) or low-fat (lean) diet. One of the changes they are found in obese mice having colon mucosa 30-80 % higher concentration of IL-l [beta] , the Wnt cascade significantly increased signal amplification and significantly proliferating crypts in the colon region.

“This study reveals the close link between obesity and inflammatory response, and reflects the extensive role of IL-1β , defining obesity as one of many inflammatory diseases, ” Department of Immunology , Washington University, Center for Innate Immunity and Immune Diseases. Michael Gale Jr. , editor-in-chief of Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research, said.

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